Rabu, 03 April 2013

How To Make Banana Cake

Name  : Karina Muliawati S
Kelas  : 3EB21
NPM  : 23210838


Hello, I’m Karina. Today I want to make a very simple and tasty Banana Cake. I got this recipe when I was watching one of korean variety show called Happy Together. The ingridients that you will need are ;
1.      Cookies
2.      Milk
3.      Banana
4.      Whipped cream

You can find all this ingridients in supermarket or traditional market with cheap prices. Now, let’s start to make it!

First step is let the cookies soak in milk for about 10 second, and then put on plate.

Second, put pieces of banana on cookies.

Keep doing the first and second steps until you get fourth layers on your plate.

Third, put fresh whipped cream on top and keep it in the fridge for about 3 hours. That process can make the cookies become softer.

We are all know the texture of cake is very soft, and the cookies are crunchy. This banana cake is kind in the middle texture of it.

You can make this cake and give it to you girl/boyfriend or for event like a birthday. I can guarantee this home made cake tasted like bakery’s cake.

Hope this recipe will give you an inspiration, and have a try it at home! :)

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